I study the role of microbes in cycling of elements in the ocean.

Herdís GR Steinsdóttir, Eddy Gómez Ramírez, Snehit Mhatre, Clemens Schauberger, Anthony D Bertagnolli, Zoe A Pratte, Frank J Stewart, Bo Thamdrup, and Laura A Bristow (2022). Anaerobic methane oxidation in a coastal oxygen minimum zone: spatial and temporal dynamics. Environmental Microbiology. [link to PDF]

Herdís GR Steinsdóttir, Snehit Mhatre, Clemens Schauberger, Bo Thamdrup, and Laura A Bristow (2022). Aerobic and anaerobic methane oxidation in a seasonally anoxic basin. Limnology and Oceanography [link to PDF]

Bo Thamdrup, Herdís GR Steinsdóttir, Anthony D Bertagnolli, Cory C Padilla, Nastassia V Patin, Emilio Garcia-Robledo, Laura A Bristow, and Frank J Stewart (2019). Anaerobic methane oxidation is an important sink for methane in the ocean’s largest oxygen minimum zone. Limnology and Oceanography [link to PDF]